12 September 2007

See reverse for more information

Andrea Acosta, "B-side"

Wieso muss ich davon über notcot erfahren? Die kolumbianische Künstlerin Andrea Acosta hat die Arbeit "B-side" schließlich in Worpswede gemacht: "Over the period of one week I work on the Grey surface of the street signs of one street in Worpswede, Germany (the Bergstraße). The signs where cleaned and in some cases adhesive vinyl cuts where applied, in others the drawings where made in the spot, with ink pens or by the cleaning itself. At the end it was as if the ’nature’ was taking over the constructed ‘landscape’ again. July 2007."
Sie hat für ihre Zeit in Deutschland an der Bauhaus Uni in Weimar das Blog i-mberfect angelegt. Vielen Dank dafür.