09 Februar 2007


Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, frozen still life

Mrs. Deane hat heute gefrorenes Gemüse von Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky im Angebot.

Ab heute kann man im HAU 1 Karten kaufen für den Film "Shanty Garden Town". Der läuft im Rahmen der Internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin, dem Berlinale Talent Campus, im HAU 2 am Montag, 12.2. um 19 Uhr.

3 Kommentare:


Oh, but mrs. deane does like Fischli & Weiss! I think the complication of my sentence has caused a little misunderstanding. I never wanted to suggest that Eva does not like F/W either. I just said it would surprise me very much if she did not.


Sorry for that, i changed the sentence in this second. Anyway I don't know anybody who doesn't like Fischli/Weiss.


Oh, don't worry about it. Next time I will try to express myself in a less complicated manner.