22 April 2013

Good karma

©ANKESTRICK, mylys, Hamburg Eimsbüttel

In dem schönsten Wollladen Hamburgs mylys*, den C. mir noch schnell zeigen wollte, entdeckten wir dann meine Jacke "Same same, but different" im Fenster. Sie hatten sie nach meiner Anleitung von ANKESTRICK, die man im Internet kaufen kann, gestrickt. Sachen gibt's,...

*lys= LYS is knitter-shorthand for local yarn shop or local yarn store. It's the place you should be going to buy as much of your yarn as possible, because it's good karma to support local businesses.
In the age of the Internet, it's difficult for your LYS to make a profit, so when you're planning a project and don't have a particular yarn in mind, check your LYS. The sensory experience alone is well worth it.

2 Kommentare:


Ja, das war echt schau :-)


Das ist ja eine Reise nach Hamburg wert....